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Curriculum Intent for Music

Our music curriculum engages our pupils to appraise, compose and perform music with a whole body and mind approach, whereby key elements of musical learning, such as pulse, pitch, rhythm, tempo, timbre, texture, structure, and dynamics are introduced using the instruments we all carry around with us: body and voice, and are developed with the use of percussive and melodic instruments.  In Key Stage 1, this includes embedding these elements internally, with physical representations of note duration and keeping the beat.  This concrete approach develops in KS2 towards children being able to represent musical elements more abstractly, using forms of written notation, and methodically learning to play an instrument.  We are aiming for all children to be able to write, read and perform music using simple standard notation (treble clef) by the end of Key Stage 2.  Musical appreciation is nurtured so that pupils are able to discuss music of many genres and historical eras using musical terminology in relation to their own values and interests, with an awareness of the emotional and spiritual impact that music can effect. In line with our whole school values, our teaching and learning in Music aims to:

Aspiration Possibilities: all pupils will be encouraged to sing and learn a musical instrument in their time at Halifax. By teaching skills in playing, composing and appraising music, we aim to provide children with a foundation for appreciating a love of music that will serve them well in the future.  This may be in continued playing (professionally or purely for pleasure); understanding how music impacts on us emotionally and spiritually and in recognising how music is used in a wide range of careers as an integral part of the commercial and social aspects of our communities.
NurtureInclusivity/Diversity: no pupil will be left disadvantaged in the provision of opportunities provided for extra-curricular music activities.  Resources and lessons will be adapted to ensure that all children can engage and enjoy our music curriculum. The range of music styles studied will come from a wide range of sources to reflect the diverse community we serve.
Curiosity Community: the performances that children become involved in during their time at Halifax all involve music, and this is related directly to their music curriculum.  Extra-curricular activities, such as Year 5’s WCET trip to Trinity Park and Year 4’s participation in the Young Voices event at the O2 provide experiences that the children never forget. Clubs within the school, such as Ukulele, provide the children with opportunities to explore new instruments.  From Y4 on, selected children have the opportunity to learn violin or a brass instrument and all children in Year 5 learn clarinet.
Be collaborativeOracy: all music lessons involve tasks where children need to actively listen to each other to produce work that meets learning intentions.  More advanced collaborative skills are practiced in class singing and playing activities where skills in creating pieces involving multi-part harmonies and multi-instrumental parts are developed.

Curriculum Map

Impact – What our pupils say about our music curriculum at Halifax

In all subjects at Halifax, we have Quality of Education reviews where our pupils share their learning and experiences in different subjects. Below is just a small sample of what our Key Stage 2 Halifax pupils think about learning music.

Our Year 4 children told us how much they have enjoyed learning to rap.

Our Year 5 pupils have said how much they enjoy learning an instrument and particularly composing their own music.

Our Year 6 pupils reflected on how they enjoyed learning new instruments and through practising have improved.